The 2-Minute Rule for lgbtq safe places

Will you pledge to treat our guests with PRIDE? There’s little that compares to the feeling of walking into a Place and being immediately comfortable, your shoulders loosen, your breathing slows, you relax, knowing you can be yourself. Finding those spaces has often been hard for the LGBTQ+ community. If you are a business, click here:

Please take a moment to look at our project, we are seeking out friendly merchants who want to do business with the LGBTQ community. At just $19 a month a la cart or $12.50 a month paid annually, ($149) you can’t get more bang for your buck than to gain lgbtq safe places new traffic while helping to support diversity, inclusion and a simple system to ease the friction.

America, and hopefully the world, is coming around to the fact that the LGBTQ community is healthy, here to stay and growing more gay bars near me powerful
every day. Like a "shock absorber" THEAPP from LGBTQ.ONE trans safe spaces smooths out
the ride. Get on-board Today! ??

Hello, I am Bill Thompson with LGBTQ.ONE, located here in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona. We offer a new high tech PWA guide to safe travel and local merchant interactions specifically for the LGBTQ community, simply called “THEAPP”. Our app/guide for the LGBTQ community is FREE to use and gets over 90,000 visits per month with over 3 million hits. Merchant Participation is a little as $12.50/mo with an annual subscription. Our 90 second animated video explains how we drive such strong traffic. You can check out how our program works at .

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